The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014 (SGMA) established California’s framework for management groundwater resources. SGMA provides a process for landowners, water users, and agencies to work together to determine the best way to achieve sustainability within each groundwater basin. The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has designated the Castac Basin as very low priority. SGMA "authorizes and encourages" basins designated as very low priority to be managed under a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP).
The Castac Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (Castac Basin GSA) was formed in April 2018 by Tejon-Castac Water District (TCWD), Lebec County Water District (LCWD), and Kern County with the objective to monitor and assess groundwater conditions on a voluntary basis, and to proactively develop a GSP for the Castac Basin.
How You Can Help
The Castac Basin GSA has decided to proactively pursue groundwater sustainability by developing and implementing a GSP.
The Castac Basin GSA needs your help! You can add your voice by responding to the Stakeholder Survey and Data Request (located in Resources). The more data we receive, the better we will understand groundwater dynamics in the Castac Basin, which will allow more informed and thoughtful decisions for the long term.